ICE everywhere

OMG, I'm surprised that we're both actually still standing up and haven't broken any of our legs. The ice on the streets of Edinburgh today has been horrendous. There must have been a thin layer of snow last night which froze. On my morning walk I was skidding about all over the place.

Ann went out and about and she was really scared becaused she was skidding about all over the place. The pavements were really, really dangerous.

This afternoon I went up Blackford Hill for my walk. It was pretty difficult getting to the top (see extras for photo of me on the route up). Coming down the big steep steps was even worse. But at least Ann had a good workout. Her thighs are killing her. Lol.

I had a lovely time at the top of Blackford hill. I played with lots of other dogs, I rolled around on my back and I zoomed around like a little puppy. I love the snow!

..........And in other news....................... Ann's fitbit zip has died?! It is no longer recording our walks even though it has a brand new battery. This is the third fitbit zip Ann has had. #seriouslynothappy We have now had to abort the walking part of ''Project 1000' because we have no way of measuring how far we walk. Still got lots of swimming and cycling to do though.

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