
I had the same plan as yesterday, today, albeit so I could go to the dentist's rather than to meet Tony. But as I was leaving the office it started snowing so hard that I decided to take the car into Kendal after all.

... but then the traffic was so bad that I abandoned the car after a couple of hundred yards and walked in after all. The reason for the traffic was the overnight snowfall, apparently unanticipated by the council, which meant everything was moving at a snail's pace. But the pavements were also covered in slush and ice, so I kept my eyes on my feet which is the trick that a friend told me for not falling over on slippery surfaces. (And which appears to work.)

I arrived at the dentist in good time and was taken through to see the hygienist before seeing the dentist. Do you remember when they used to use that kind of buffer thing to clean off your teeth? I quite liked that. Now they seem to have switched to a steampunk device of torture, where they prod and scrape at your teeth with some pointed implement, whilst squirting cold water at them, the results of which are sucked up by hose that sounds like it is suffering from a surfeit of phlegm. 

Anyway, that done, I went through to see the dentist who was slightly crestfallen when he announced that everything was fine and no treatment was required. Result!

When I left there was no more snow falling and the sky was a beautiful, clear blue. All around snow was melting and dripping off the buildings, a steadily falling architectural rain that was absent from open spaces. It sounded like Kendal had just got out of the bath.

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Reading: 'Winter'.

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