My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Stand up to Cancer

My dear friend Amanda is just about to start her third round of chemo and she is fighting all the way. Her courage is amazing and a real inspiration. Amanda wrote to me the day I quit my job and her selfless words just put everything back in perspective. I've had far too many people around me affected by cancer and I'm so glad everyday we get closer to a cure. Can't wait to see her soon.

I'm really busy at work at the moment and we have had a range of tough and challenging situations within the team. Students encounter such a wide range of issues when they start and grow through University and I have an amazing team who deal with them every day.

I've signed up today to do some voluntary work when I finish work and will be collecting coats to be given out across a range of London's homeless shelters. They still need volunteers so let me know if you want the details. Its happening at tube stations across London from the 5th - 9th November.

24 days until holiday and only 13 working days left! Loving life!

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