
By Stereonucleosis

An incredible halo day

I walked into the bathroom in the morning and looked up through the skylight to be greeted by a mass of cirrostratus. I've been a halo spotter for a while now and you get to know the "feel" of different clouds, whether or not one will be providing a display or not. This one gave me a good feel, so I grabbed the camera and headed out. I wasn't quite prepared for what the day would offer me. This was the first thing I saw, a rare parry arc above the cathedral.
I spent as little time indoors as possible that day, because it was just goldmine after gold mine of halos. Included that day were 22 degree, both parhelia, parhelic circle, circumzenithal arc, tangent arc and towards the end of the day a supralateral arc, with a strange brightening on it I'm as yet at a loss to explain. I feel it was just a different patch of ice crystal causing it but can't be sure without running some simulations.

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