The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Ice Skating

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

There had been a slight thaw and then another freeze this morning so the pavements and the roads were completely iced over. This makes walking Murphy quite difficult. Especially when he decides to chase a cat and takes off like a lunatic. I looked like a cartoon character being pulled along by my crazy pup shouting ‘whoooooooaa’ as passers by were trying to conceal their laughter.

It did make me giggle when he squatted to do a poo and his paws kept sliding. I suspect it must be quite hard to concentrate on the task in hand when that happens but I spared his blushes and didn’t explore this notion with him.

I had another happy 2 hours of chatting with you Jenny about everything and nothing. I was obviously on a roll as I then phoned The Explorer to catch up on her news. That phone call ended abruptly when Mary Doll and Victor arrived for lunch. I felt the sting of parental disapproval when I explained that my slightly unkempt appearance was because I hadn’t quite managed to shower as I had been on the phone ALL morning. I suppose washing is probably not too much to expect.

We had a family viewing night of 30 Rock. I think I may have slept through at least 3 episodes. I was EXHAUSTED after all that chatting.


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