Stella Maris

We walked on the broad tidal sand at Goodwick Parrog today, intending to dig some razor clams. We found none, and that particular piece of shore seemed a good measure less full of life than nature intended. We did find a few palourde clams, three big scallops, as well as some of the usual mussels and limpets.

The pleasant surprise was this live star fish, apparently the only one on the beach. I found it among the kelp and limpets on the larger rocks.

I have not found a star fish since I was a kid, and most of those were dead. We dissected them in science class too, but of a different species and larger specimens.

This one reminded me slightly of a pet tarantula I had as a teenager, because I held it in my hand and it clung to me with the tiny hydraulic tentacles on its underside, reaching across my hand (about 3.5 inches long). My spider was the same size and had its special way of clinging.

This star of the sea, this common starfish (asterias rubens) was a good little creature to meet. Here on the sand it looks like a pointy person who is running fast. After we met, I threw it back into the sea.

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