Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

YOLA: Into The Void

Virtual reality Star Wars experience in Shepherd Bush. Part of TSM’s Year Of Living Amazingly (YOLA) that she has organised for the year I turn 60. Problem with virtual reality is that you can’t photograph it, but this is the gear you get sent in with. Admittedly it looks more Blake’s Seven than Star Wars from the outside, but the experience itself is something remarkable. I particularly enjoyed fighting the lava monsters, although my squad ignored my instructions to aim at the legs and eyes.

Afterwards we went for a pint in a Nicholson’s pub off Oxford Street and then a very good meal in Chinatown. We were all in a good mood not just because of our heroics in virtual reality but because of some other good news that I am not yet in a position to disclose ... let’s just say that it was a great day.

TSM picked us up from the station - the weather was atrocious, ranging from cold sleet to constant rain and by this time we were a little tired. Back home the four of us all made toasts with whisky and plum vodka and ate cake to round things off, TSM putting her feet up after a heroic afternoon decorating and cleaning.

Been a rather good weekend. I’m a very lucky man.

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