Canon Can

By Trotter


Today was my RDO, (rostered day off) and I had a few bits to do, including posting my 'Emu Caller' back to the UK, grabbing some 'Wonderweb' to repair my work trousers hem, buy tickets to the Melbourne Cup and get an outfit suitable for the event, as well as getting a small housewarming gift for a new friend at work, ready for the house warming party this weekend. I can tell you, I achieved all of the above. I have found a lovely gift, paid a crazy amount of money to post my 'Emu Caller' back, found a fab outfit, repaired my hem and bought tickets... I have achieved. I'm exhausted. Seriously, it's easier to go to work. However, I did get to visit my favourite beach, where I watched the world go by with my seagull friend, who decided to watch with me and sit not too far from my feet

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