Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Two Bears...

One (Big Ted) is as old as me and the other even older :) They are both rather battered. When I was a small child of about 6 or 7 I apparently decided that he had to have an operation on his stomach and cut it open with a pair of scissors, then sewed it up with turquoise wool (which is there to this day)....of course sawdust came out and my parents were very cross with me....

The pink hat has accompanied me on a few holidays and is rather battered now (its the sort that folds up, and you're supposed to be able to iron it, though I never have)!

21 again today...

The appropriately Pinkparcel had chocolates and a lovely top from my friend that I lunched with yesterday :)

Not much more to say except I'm chilling out today at home, might even read a new book or watch a dvd. Maybe do some craft....

Tonight I'm off out with some friends to a performance by the CK Gospel Choir, see here:)

Have a great day blippers!

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