The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Ticking Things Off

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent a lot of my day trying to do those annoying things that I haven’t quite managed to get shift from my ‘to do’ list. It was all fairly mundane - booking appointments, replying to emails, going to Clarks to get a shoe box for a school project (yes really!), and another handful of things that I can’t even remember now.

It was the sort of day where I felt very pleased with myself as I could see the amount of ticks on my list as proof that I had achieved LOADS and my OCD did a celebratory Mexican wave.

The only downer was getting to the end of a cup of tea and downing the last mouthful only to realise that I had left the teabag in the cup. Try not to feel too bad for me. I’m coping. If I get through it, I may sell the film rights.


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