The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Wise Words

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

As Dodzilla is leaving, there is an air of mischief in the office.

It would appear that ‘Time Waits for No Banana’. This was the welcoming gift from Rod on my desk when I arrived and pretty much set the mood of the day.

Dodzilla had organised an online handover workshop. Just as it started, Rod threw a napkin onto my desk with ‘Dodzilla is a kn0b’ written on it which lead to the 3 of us having a fit of the giggles.

I also accidentally left my pc unlocked when I left my desk which led to a lot of confusion with one of the other devs about why ‘I’ had sent him a message saying I needed to speak to him regarding work he had submitted for QA.

I may end up being out of a job too if this continues.


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