Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Doing the Rounds

Out early this morning, in spite of the drizzle. It was mild, which made up for the general greyness.

First to the National Gallery, to see the Turner watercolours which are only displayed in January when light levels are at their lowest. They are guaranteed to brighten the dullest day.

Then to the station to pick up some tickets. Next up Cockburn Street, and into The Wall for coffee, very good.  Onward and  upwards, the High Street next, sticking our noses into St Giles. We've not been there for a while. They seem to have done something miraculous with the lighting, and I could actually see the roof and walls where all used to be a gloomy cavern.

Lastly, the National Library (the original plan) for a quick look at the Muriel Spark exhibition.  I'll have to go again, there was a lot to see, and I'm particularly interested in her.

Then out into the drizzle to wait for the 23. Took the blip from the bus stop. I haven't seen so little traffic on George IV Bridge since the days when I wore ankle socks!

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