He wasn’t...

...enamoured at the three candles! He kept saying “I’m ten!”

I think I’ve been saying for the last three birthdays that I need to get new and more candles...must put it on a shopping list.

And, yes, he is ten. My baby is in double digits. A decade of Fangler and what a joy he is. Never fails to amuse, amaze, stump me and sometimes all at once!

Even tonight as he was going to sleep his random question was, “How do you stop Brexit?” My question back was “Where did that come from?” See amazed and stumped me all in one...not so much amused as I’m not all that enamoured that my ten year old even has to have Brexit on his radar :-(

Asked him earlier how he rated his school day birthday...something that was not thrilling him too much...and it got a 10/10. I think his Dad & I may have saved the day with a wee surprise visit to his favourite coffee shop after school. And this was despite his birthday tea being fitted around his brother’s S2 parents evening, that had been moved to tonight from last Tuesday when they cancelled it due to the snowfall.

On that subject, MrR and I dust off our flak jackets for the Rooster’s parents evening. He’s a character shall we say our Rooster...I think I’ve been contacted by the secondary school more times for him in his 18 months in the building than I have for his sister and brother and their combined 10 years there! Any way the flak jackets were not required...the teachers have his mark as a bit of a rogue. Frustrating though as if he would only turn his focus a bit more on work he could achieve so much more. MrR and I turning our focus again on to how we encourage him in that.

The other two...well Es sat her last prelim ever, which went OK, ran in the house changed and ran back out the house to get her nails done! Ran back out the house with MrR who gave her a lift to her nail appointment just about making him late for our first appointment at the Roosters parents evening.

The Buncle...he was up in arms as his comfy PJ’s had been pinched for washing...lol.

Grateful for my Barmy Army :-)

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