A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And relax

The last ten days or so (maybe longer, it’s a bit of a blur) have been full on from every direction and there has been precious little in the way of down time and it is starting to show. A lovely morning catching up with a good friend. And then a real treat to have an afternoon and evening of no plans other than homework and catching up on a lot of Modern Family.

Though I did observe that my life is set up wrong as the kids playing their instruments counts as a worthwhile and virtuous activity to be encouraged and prioritised and me doing so would be slacking if I chose it over paid work, the laundry, putting the shopping away, loading the dishwasher or making dinner. Even worse when they have finished playing their own instruments and play mine before I have chance to! And there’s not even anywhere to complain to about how unfair it is....

...oh yes, that’s why you’re here.

Lesley x

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