A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The new old...

I think it is clear to all why I am not a paparazzi...

But I wanted to capture this moment without distracting.

First piano lesson in, well you all know how long. J’s not yet back at school this term so great that he was up to making this today. It’s so lovely to hear. Not least as his new teacher is a concert pianist and makes scales sound like works of art. Oh goodness, he’s just started playing a piece he recently played in a concert in Italy. What a treat Thursday afternoons are going to be for us all.

Mostly everything else has been a little more mundane but pretty efficiently achieved...and mostly a mix of work and PTA stuff for both schools.

Tonight I’m off for drinks to meet some parents in Anna’s year at school. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure for what end as this Secondary School interaction is still a little bewildering to me but you never know when you’ll meet someone fun. And it’s in a lovely room in a lovely pub in walking distance so all to the good.

And there has been a happy making amount of drumming.

Lesley x

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