Mike's area

By mikeprice

the battle against drugs steps up a gear

Blip is of a sign in front of the legal graffiti I blipped a few days ago - I went back to get another shot of it but chose this instead - you would have thought that winning the drugs war with humans would come first

But maybe it is an initiative by the RSPCA

Strange blip due to strange day - went into work as I am feeling much better and can talk properly. I spent most of yesterday walking round the house talking to myself in a loud voice to make sure it could stand up to a day teaching

Probably confirmed all sorts of rumours to the neighbours

Anyway - got up early - normal work routine, got all my stuff I have done to take in sorted out, made sandwiches etc etc

Drove to work, handed in my sick notes and went to my class room to prepare for the lessons

phone rings - headmistress tells me I have to go home immediately as my sick note doesn't run out until tomorrow

Therefore I am not allowed to be in school???????

Is it me??

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