Blue Skies at last!

I've been rather blip-less this week!  The weather has been awful and not conducive to taking photographs, but also we've spent a few nights until midnight looking for holidays.  I'm pleased to say that I've now booked a trip to Prague with mum in May, and last night we finally booked our summer holiday to Rhodes in June. We've not been to either place so it'll be nice to visit somewhere different.

Today is the first day this week that I think we've seen a blue sky, and I went swimming this morning, so thought I'd swim in the outdoor pool, but I only got as far as dipping my feet in and changed my mind as the water didn't feel very warm.  I opted for the warmth of the indoor pool instead followed by a jacuzzi.

I then headed into town to meet Tannie for a hot chocolate on her lunch break, and on the way home I had a slight detour to the marina to take some photos.  I had a nice walk along the boardwalk enjoying the sunshine, and then as I drove off and looked back across the marina from Roedean, there was the biggest, strangest cloud ever, so I pulled over to take some photos.  I was undecided which to blip, but after having a week of greyness, it had to be this one!

Our lodger leaves us tomorrow, she's been an absolute pleasure and apart from seeing her briefly when she's come home from work, we wouldn't know she was here.  She's really enjoyed working for the company and is hoping that they will offer her a permanent position, but she said they've decided to move here in any event, and tonight she's going to look at a room in a house in Saltdean.  We've told her that if they need a couple of weeks when they first arrive, we'd be happy for them both to stay with us, but hopefully they'll be successful if finding somewhere of their own.

Anyway, I'd better go and get the dinner on as Alan is due home shortly and tonight I'll try and catch up with what you've been up to!

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