The Sky Garden

We caught the bus to the station at about 8.15am and our train to London Bridge was at 9.02 and was on time.  

Our first port of call was Longchamp on Regent Street to collect a pouch that matches the bag I had for Christmas, then we caught to tube to Lambeth North as Alan wanted to go to The Imperial War Museum.

As we approached, we saw some kind of parade in the gardens next to the museum, so we went to look.  There were numerous Lord Mayors of the various London districts, as well as some veterans, and it seemed that the remembrance was to commemorate the Russian holocaust.  

We then went in the museum, 41 years after the last time Alan was there - it’s changed somewhat!  We walked from there to our hotel in Southwalk, checked in and for some reason they didn’t have the room available that we’d booked, so we’ve been upgraded to a suite on the top floor where there only 8 rooms!  We dropped our bag off and Alan had a quick coffee before heading out again.

We walked to the Millenium Bridge and then over it towards St Paul’s Cathedral, down Cannon Street to Bow Lane and onto Leadenhall Market.  We had tickets for the Sky Garden at 4.15pm, but the queue was horrendous, followed by Airport like security, and whilst it was nice, I don’t thing I’d go through that again.  The view across to The Shard was fantastic though, and whilst I’d booked tickets in the hope of seeing a good sunset, it was rather cloudy, but it was still great watching everywhere illuminate as it went dark.  This shot was taken through glass, but I’m pleased with how it’s come out.

Tonight we went to Pizza Express in Leadenhall market, Alan’s French friend Philippe (who works in London) came to meet us so it was nice to see him again.  Then we caught the tube to Canary Wharf to see the light festival - It was very busy though!

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