what we did today...

By SarnieV

Christmas cake

Christmas cake, hot chocolate and a glass of red wine....it is Thursday night after all!
A very useful meeting at ESpark today and now have a set of terms and conditions to go with my invoices. Tomorrow is invoice day.
Boys had a Scottish day, they wore tartan shirts and each had a ceilidh during the day.
C wasn’t impressed by having to dance, D thought it was a laugh. They both had to learn Scottish poems too - not Burns poems - much funnier.
C had band and football practice tonight. D declared he didn’t want to go to Band anymore because one of the boys plays too loud on purpose and ruins it. So he brought his sharpies along to do colouring while we waited for C. We spoke to the tutor who says that particular boy has been brought into order and so hopefully he’ll not ruin it for all the other kids anymore. Given how much D seems to love playing his cornet, it’d be a shame if a misbehaving child put him off.

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