Show Time
Train out to Essen first thing this morning which gave us a couple of problems and an argument with the guard.German trains are Ok but nothing like they are portrayed in the UK.The stations are dirty, everything covered in graffiti,utilaterian and only reasonably on time.
IPM Essen is the largest horticultural show in the world and you could easily spend all four days there.We decided to concentrate on the machinery halls looking for low energy fans, bale breakers, pot dispensers and loading units.A van design also caught our eye with a very good load and locking system with no need for a tail lift thus increasing carrying capacity.
We met quite a lot of people we know from the UK.Had drinks with Ben on the Syngenta stand and lunch with Paul on the Teku stand.
All in all a very long and tiring day but a great show.Finished off the day with dinner in a nice Swiss restaurant and an early night.
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