Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A familiy concern

Many businesses in Myanmar are run by whole families. The adults work together during the day and the children join in when they return from school. Babies and toddlers are kept close to their mothers.

We had an early morning flight from Yangon to Bagan. Then it was a very full day, visiting various villagers. Here you see the noodle makers in Taung Bi Village. I have a series of images showing all the processes. After the rice floor is mixed with water, a set amount is put into a cylindrical hole and forced out as long strands of noodles. The person power for this is shown in my main blip.

The noodles are washed and rewashed, dried off a little and then weighed and bagged up for sale.

We also visited a brick making business and some of the famous temples of Bagan.

It was my birthday and Hamish arranged for a cake to be ready at our hotel. 

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