The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

What Are You? An Egg.

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Thankfully I escaped a hangover today. This was mainly because The Prince did the early morning walk so I stayed in bed until 10 am. This was particularly fortunate as I had an appointment for an ‘intimate wax’ and I’m not sure that experience is compatible with feeling as rough as a badgers bum.

I decided that as it was already my birthday in Kiwiland*, we should watch Boy. We really liked the film. Taika Waititi does the switch between humour and poignancy brilliantly. The Thriller parody at the end is hilarious.


*The rest of the Normals didn’t buy into the idea that they should be my minions as it was already my birthday in Kiwiland. Selfish.

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