Now we have everything

By Gembop

Blood test trauma

I had a midwife appointment first thing this morning. The week 28 (almost) visit is when they do the final round of blood tests. Robin surprised me by saying he'd come along which was amazing.

My midwife was already due to test for four different things but on top of that she was seeing on two more: a fasting glucose test, that she couldn't remember why she'd opted me in for (!) and a full work to check my kidneys and liver following the PEP diagnosis.

She was aware of my weird fainting spell last time around so suggested I lay down this time. And thank god I did. I'm not scared of needles, injections don't bother me, but something about the feeling of having blood taken, when the needle is being wiggled in my vein makes me light headed, sweaty and nauseous.

Today it was compounded by some dodgy 'too short' needles that kept popping out of the vein so 2 vials in she had to put the needle into my hand instead. After what felt like an age of slow-going my vein finally hut down and refused to give anymore. This unfortunately means I'll have to do the other two on my next visit. :(

Robin took today's blip slyly on my phone. He also got one of me on the bed but that's too embarrassing to share.

Bump was really active during the test and afterwards actually kicked the doppler she was using to listen to his heartbeat. He's already defending his weakling mummy :)

After the appointment Rob headed off to work and I worked from home, mainly sitting on conference calls. The rest of the team head off to Ibiza tomorrow so I'm WFH then too. :(

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