East of Everything...Our Lighthouse

Today we got up early and went up to the Lighthouse.

It had been such a long time since being there I had forgotten how wonderful it was to be there looking over the ocean into infinity...the gentle morning light creating a silver pathway...being able to look down on raptors in flight...Surfers as little specks in the Ocean...beaches that go on forever...and breathing in BIG lung fulls of fresh air (especially after getting up there).

This place is the most easterly point of Australia..its where the sun first hits in the morning and this Lighthouse has been around since the turn of the century well just after really.

I have been to this place and in one day seen huge Turtles, Whales and Dolphins with the occasional Stingray....Today however there was not one little peep out of any of them.

I had many images I could of posted today including a little Paddy Melon (very small Wallaby) but I wanted to introduce you to the Icon of our area..........a beautiful Lady for sure.

Thank you for such a warm response to yesterdays 'Family Portrait' I do so appreciate being able to 'expose' and not only feel safe but at home and comfortable with this community...as my friend would say 'Like a pair of well loved fluffy slippers'.

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