Thank the Heavens for the Rain

...And I really hope some of it fell down south where all the bush fires are still blazing away...the worst in a decade.......I do so feel for those that have lost everything to the flames..I think I really got struck in the heart when they were talking about people looking for their beloved pets.

The prize money that I received for the Photo comp I won a while back was going to buy me a ticket to Bali for my birthday...however due to unforeseen circumstances....those plans went down the toilet and instead I bought myself a new camera....(and some other stuff).
I have been experimenting with it a bit of late and I really like it.......who would of ever thought that I would of been excited about a point and shoot. It's a bit exciting as it has full manual capabilities....and I can put filters on it so I can do LE and all sorts of more dirty sensors with this....... Sony RX100 it.

It has come at a perfect time as a while back now I got sand in my lovely lens...up until now it seems to of been all the sand has congregated together right in the middle of the lens..yikes! has anyone else had that and if so what did you do? would love any feed back on this.
I have phoned around to see if I can get it cleaned however it sounds like it will be really expensive and I am just wondering if I should bite the bullet and save up and get another.
Anyway ...long story........I guess I am just lucky to have my new little beauty to experiment with for a while.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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