It's raining again...

We had a plan for today...then it rained again and we got soaked again. Fortunately, this time we had our cases in the car so had a ready change of clothes. Very welcome!

We'd driven to Blakeney in the hope of seeing the seals. Another time hopefully. The walk to the beach began so well, even with no sun, but it wasn't long before the rain started and was heavy enough to be silly to continue. Strong winds made walking a challenge too....and we're not wimps.

My photo is taken from the window of The White Horse where we changed what we needed to and enjoyed a warming soup lunch.

A short visit to Holt and then the drive home. And wonderfully most traffic was going out of London.

It's been a good weekend and I can thoroughly recommend an excellent B&B in Hillington, just outside Kings Lynn....

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