Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


M&S, buy Mrs Booty Sushi for lunch, me? Nah, beef sandwich.
Furniture store, buy new armchairs for the conservatory.
BEACH, buy gearbox to tie the dog to at low tide. Here you can see the little bastard running for it's life towards St Ives which is in the distance. Mrs Booty reckons I can be a nasty cold person at times as she helped me lug the gearbox to the low water mark.

In other news. Two surfers went off into the distance towards what seemed a flat sea. They were last seen going over the top of a 4 - 5 feet swell. Brilliant flat faced waves. Made me happy for them but sad that I can no longer enjoy the sport or more importantly teach the grandsprogs how to be safe in the water. They will be entrusted to far better teachers than me at the local surf life saving clubs.

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