A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Look familiar?

Well there goes that experiment...turns out I can’t not blip. Surely there must be something I can get for this...

In the meantime it seems you are stuck with me and on the days when it doesn’t feel right I’ll just snap the dog and keep quiet.

Besides, where else can I bang on about my drum lessons...turns out lesson 2 was so hard I think parts of my brain may have short circuited. I have been assured it will get easier...today involved doing 4 different things at the same time and I guess that is fundamentally the hardest part to conquer.

Other than that there has been a ridiculous amount of PTA stuff, a planning meeting for our 10th Street Party which seems to be turning into a weekend affair and some actual prepping for proper work starting up next week. And some hanging out with Anna between classes which is always insightful and informative.

Very close to an ordinary day. Which appears to mean blip.

As you were,
Lesley x

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