Joe's Town Garden

The day started with me tearing off to the Drs to ask for a few different drugs and for a referral to the NOC regarding my left ankle. Home then & the carpet man was there (the decorator finished yesterday) we chose the carpet & by the time that was done it was almost lunchtime. After lunch we went down to Broadfields to look for new bedding / curtains. Decided that NEXT was probably the best choice & because of a power cut whilst we were there we came home and ordered our choices online to be delivered to store. Had a nice cup of coffee in Dunelm before coming home.

Whilst C got the dinner on I popped down to see Joe (who I have blipped before). His wife M was taken into hospital very recently with Cancer. He's not used to being home alone & I went to check he was OK & not wanting for anything. He'd made the bread this morning & done the washing this afternoon & visited M too. She was at Oxford for Radiotherapy (when I saw him) & he would see her again later when she got back to Stoke hospital. He was very concerned but was hoping things would improve soon. I offered him dinner anytime & if he needed a lift anywhere I was usually around just ring or knock....he gave me a quick tour of his normally immaculate garden ...hence the picture.

We have roast beef tonight - I bought it cos it was on offer but I failed to notice the short use by date so it is a day over but it's beef so I'm not too worried. Roast taters & cauliflower to go with it & that's about all we have in the fridge, so we'll have to rough it tonight !

Cool with some heavy showers

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