Super Moon
So. This is how today went....
Up super early to get out to photograph the Blue Super Moon as it became the Super Blood Moon at 5:51 a.m. when the partial eclipse occurred here. I was so excited to see that my bedroom was well lit (from that magnificent supermoon) and went outside on my deck to take a photo of it to get settings right before driving to a specific location (the old lone house on the hill) to capture it in all its bloody glory. As it was -22 C with the windchill, I knew that everything had to be perfect for me to be able to set up tripod and get it all right before I froze....or my camera started hating me.
All good to go so got my parka and other warm duds on and headed out.
It was had clouded over.
Sooooo....came home quickly and went out tonight to see the old, lone house on the hill. No snow in the air and it looked beautiful on the hill BUT cloudy so no moonrise either.
Thank goodness for photoshop and my amateur interest in it! I gave the moon a little colour and linked it to my photo from tonight. Voila....the blip I had in my mind. Essentially, you are seeing a peek into one of my dreams : ))
D x
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