
By Madchickenwoman


Jo came round today and we played cards! I thought having something to focus upon would help my anxiety about friends visiting - and I was right! However it's years since I played cards and only had a vague memory of playing 21 and Liar! The only game Jo remembered was 7's and it's not a great game for 2 players as we knew exactly what cards the other was holding! However it was still fun and we chatted away as we played. She is still waiting to hear if the bank will accept her offer on the house in Calstock - fingers crossed! Next time she comes round we might play Backgammon - but I'll have to refresh my mind on playing that too! Plus find where I put the game! We wondered if there was a game playing club in the village - maybe I should try starting a games club amongst friends - it's such a fun way to spend time. I remember playing Scruples with my family and next door neighbour years ago one Christmas. Dad was asked if he would ever have an affair - I categorically said no and dad had a twinkle in his eye when he said yes! Happy memories! 
Oh,  the hare was made by my sister and was a christmas gift!

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