Going Up or Down?

As I couldn't see over the bank I don't know if these have made their way up or are making their way down! I do know thanks to another blipper that they are not native and with a little googling that they were cultivated in 1597, first seen in the wild in 1778 and now considered to be native!  Suddenly, from a flower symbolising chastity, consolation, death, friendship in adversity, hope and purity, I find myself in a right old hornet's nest. According to the Oxford English Dictionary being native can be the place one was born, but when describing people of a certain country it can be seen to have an offensive colonial European outlook. As we know all too well at this current time, being born somewhere does not confer citizenship or belonging in some peoples eyes. I think I will just go back to admiring the purity of the snowdrops.
My day was also one of not being sure if I was going up or down, so an anxiety rating of 5/10 today! I spent a fair while cutting up the Mexican Orange Blossom branches and Lilac branches that I chopped down a few weeks ago. The Reader from two doors up arrived home from shopping and had a brief chat and then Colourful Mai dropped off some oils she had bought for me. Just as I  had finished putting the sacks of cuttings in the car ready to be taken to the allotment, Nellie of The woods called by to give me black pins for my needle felted mouse and 2 fairy cakes! So a briefly busy social day which I coped with because they were brief! I then had a facebook message from Party Girl who I had not heard from for ages! Seems fitting to have snowdrops symbolising friendship in adversity for my blip today! 

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