All things me

By KatiePie


Oh there is tension between me and this machine, that's for sure.

The problem is that I'm not very good with sewing. Or sewing machines.
I've downloaded a manual, read books, googled and researched extensively. I'm not sure if it's me and I'm being a bad workman and blaming my tools or if it's the machine but I can't seem to get the tension right. At all.

So I've used it as it is and made Little One's skirt anyway.
I have a bit of a headache now so am going to have a sit down with a cheese toastie.
I hope.

School rang 5 minutes ago to say that Littlest One has got a gunky eye that looks a bit red, and that the corresponding nostril is a bit blocked or snotty (could be either, she just mentioned the corresponding nostril without allocating it a condition of it's own) and they thought they'd let me know in case I wanted to make an appointment at the Dr.
Thanks but no thanks.
I'll happily come and get him if he has the highly infectious plague/is suffering lots, but when he gets a cold and his nose is blocked it does tend to make his eyes gunky.

I'll go buy eye drops just in case on the way to school so we're ok if it gets worse at the weekend, but I'd rather fork out for those over the counter than subject him to over an hour (because that IS what it will be) sitting in a waiting room surrounded by everyone else's germs to be told it's probably a cold.

What's the betting I get an "Actually, could you come and get him?" call back the minute my toastie reaches my gob?

Yesterday's mystery blip was the swirly patterns made as my welly hit the mud at the bottom of a deep puddle :)

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