
By Madchickenwoman

Hard Work

Saw my counsellor again today - no panic, no tears but there was laughter! I was telling her about my list stress and realised that repotting two plants had been under my "must do" heading, which goes back to my saying yesterday how gardening is not a relaxing Alpha occupation! Why had I put them there and not under fun? I realised it was because they needed looking after! That just made me laugh and laugh! My counselor said I do make things hard for myself! But she also said how I come with everything already worked out and how when she asks a question she can see me processing it and working out the answer - she says I'm a joy as a client! Maybe she should be paying me! 
It was such a beautiful day I stopped at Cotehele on the way back. The gardens were looking immaculate, spring bulbs and flowers everywhere I looked! Plus the place was virtually empty and even the reception was closed - you just walked in through the open gate! I was delighted by the fire I came across and watched it for ages - I do like a good fire! I also always love the view of Calstock as you stand with your back to the house - I can even see the roof of my house!
Once home I did my relaxing yoga positions -only the classical compilation I'd put on to play via YouTube had annoying adverts and Milkshake kept nudging me for stroking and at one point sat on me! I decided to download some classical music on iTunes and then sync it with my iPod for falling asleep to at bedtime instead of radio 4 and bad news or Classical fm and their annoying adverts! Well this brought more stress as it wouldn't sync and my efforts to make it do so resulted in wiping my entire iPod! I eventually worked out that I had to download all my library on iTunes first. The transition from my laptop use to iMac use obviously required this to be done! So finally after doing some mending of various clothes as I watched tv I was ready for bed - I happily drifted off to the sound of classical music and no adverts! 

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