Taming the Waves!

With daffodils beginning to flower I thought I would buy some! Who can resist their yellow brightness and the tangible evidence of spring!
Not such a good day - the balance not yet achieved so got to expect the scales to tip from good to bad. I also realised that I'm reacting to my anxiety on the days it occurs, not just in the anxiety making me more anxious about having it! I've let some of the things slide like meditation and mindful practice. So, as a result, the anxiety develops and then I do the practices to lessen it when really I should have done them to stop the anxiety even begininng!
 I read an interesting article about relaxation in my panic and anxiety app. All the things we associate with relaxation, our hobbies, pastimes, are not providing deep meditative relaxation and are actually stimulating to the mind and body. I know that only too well with the allotment - battling the elements, the diseases, the pests and weeds and the never ending list of things to be done! All these are measured as beta waves on an EEG, what we need are alpha waves, which can be achieved through meditative relaxation. 
It certainly does explain how I  go from a good day into a bad and I just couldn't seem to identify anything that was causing it - I almost seemed to awake into anxiety after having had a previously good day! I had thought it was something in my diet, too much sugar, white bread, irregular meals. But obviously it was just a day that was all beta and no alpha! I must work harder at being relaxed! Ha! :-D
Oh and if I ever get tempted to write a list again, I shall label it a "Could Do" not a "To Do"! The latter has an imperative about it and therefore creates stress and a sense of laziness when the things don't get done. A could do list means if the inclination is there here are some suggestions as to what I could do! For now I'm just going to watch my daffodils open, thats got to be an alpha activity! 

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