
Another part of my history demolished :(

Mrs P called me when she was out and about today to say that the supermarket I worked in from 16-22 was getting demolished, having been closed for many many years. I instantly knew it would be my blip for today and headed over there to take some shots in between dodging the junkies that kept walking past.

I was actually very sad walking round taking shots of the now flattened place as i've lots of fond memories working there and of the people I worked with, several of which are now dead.

I used to start 7am on a Saturday and finish at 4pm, sometimes Sundays from 9-5 (try doing that with a hangover after getting home at 5am and having only 3 hours sleep !) as well as Monday and Wednesdays from 6-10pm. Christmas and Summer holidays were pretty much fulltime in there and despite the long hours I really enjoyed it and never once did I not want to be there until it was time to pack it in 'cause the easter job I got in an Internet Service Provided turned into a full time job.

Worked in pretty much every department in the store, learnt a lot about life working there, met a fair few girls from working there, paid for all my clothes and food from the time I was 16 from there, also paid for my first car and its upkeep, and when I was at Uni and started living with Mrs P it also paid the bills and kept us fed.

I remember one time we were down to our last £5 until payday the next week, the shop was shutting and I bought the essentials we needed and with the last £1 bought a lottery scratchcard. Won £50 and quickly ran round buying loads of food, cant remember what exactly, apart from the luxury 'treat' of a pack of doughnuts which we savoured when I got back home, plus still had money left over. We've never wasted money, and always appreciate what we have now, which I think is from those days when we had very little but each other. I still love Mrs P as much today as I did back then.


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