Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

My boys are getting older....

It's Friday and that's lovely :-)
I have the boys and that's lovely too....but one is at a party and the other is here with a friend in his room. They are doing exactly what they should be doing....its me that needs to do things a little differently. For years, when I have had the boys, that IS what I do...but now I really need to stop putting my things completely on hold when they are here. When I dont have them I do things with friends, I do my photography...Im busy...but when they are here, I spend too much time waiting around for when they might need something or want to do something together. They are in this funny in between age, where I need and want to be available but when they also dont need me all the time.
For example, tonight, I should have invited friends over, or done more of my own thing. I would be here of course - but not waiting - it's not good for me or them. Its a little sad watching them grow up - I miss them...and it's nice too - Im just not very good at it :-) They are great kids and doing great stuff.....I need to find a way to be here for them without being too much....and without getting frustrated that I have wasted my time waiting around for them. This probably doesnt make a lot of sense and it definitely isnt very articulate....but its Friday night so that's ok :-)

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