Learning day by day

By EmmaF

M&M World Madness

After swimming today C and I caught the train to London. Daddy took W for lunch with N&P and left him there for the afternoon.

C and I went to the National Gallery so C could see Van Gogh's sunflowers for real, having been taught all about them last term. We had a wander after the sunflowers and I was amazed at the size of some of the paintings, huge. Can't believe I haven't been there before.

We headed out for a coffee and were faced with today's march by the Unions against the coalitions' cuts. Hmm, it was still going after coffee so I asked a policeman where it would be going so we could avoid it. Helpfully he had absolutely no idea. So we headed for Leicester Square and I found myself in the madness that is M&M World. We spent quite a while wandering the four floors and I think I did well that she only came out two keyrings (bought with her own money), one will be winging its way to Brussels very soon.

From there we wandered up the back of Regent Street, avoiding Hamleys, yes I am a mean Mummy, to Oxford Street and Debenhams.

There we had a wander round. Carys found a Bob the Builder cup with built in straw which she was intent on buying for W, because he hadn't come with us, which I let her do as I thought it was really sweet. I also picked up a real birthday bargain, the Olympics Happyland set reduced from £20 to £6! Thank you very much.

Carys wanted to get the bus back to KC, so that was the plan. However the March, or a part of it appeared on Oxford Street with an increased police presence. The buses had stopped moving and as a number of police came past running and shouting "Coming through!" I decided to take evasive action and headed to the Tube.

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