Trafficator arm...?
...Or semaphore signalling?
Much the same thing really.
A turn to port seems indicated.
(It occurs to me (sigh) that some might suppose me to be indicating my age by using the term 'trafficator'. I would like to suggest that I merely have a well-tuned 'Nostalgicator', for phrases used by the Elderly Relative).
Though I admit to having learned semaphore in the girl guides.
You had no choice.
(I'm no stranger to 'a round turn and two half-hitches' either).
There was lots of busy-ness on the Bird Front today in the garden.
Wrens, Goldfinch, Blue tits, Great tits, Blackbird, all creating a very pleasant busy noise, singing the song of their people.
It was sunny but bitterly cold.
I came in famished. (I'm not sure whether that is even a word used these days for 'extreme cold'. Certainly I recall its use when I was a child. 'Starved' too, with the same meaning.).
I was hungry too, so it was true in both senses.
Which also leads me to ask, 'does anyone else think raw cashew nuts are a bit off-putting owing to their extreme similarity to fat little grubs?'
Just me then?
Talking about 'port', and thinking about wine :-)
The indicators (!) are pointing in a most uplifting direction for this evening.
Happy Friday One and All :-)
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