
By FarmerGirl

An early morning run

It was 2.4 degrees outside when the alarm went off at 4.30am, and it was so hard getting out of bed to milk. It was so cold that, while milking, you could see the cows breath coming out their mouths and noses. The fog started rolling in around 6am, and by the time we went to take the cows to their paddock the fog was rather thick.

It just happened that the paddock that the cows went into this morning was the furtherest one on the farm, and took the cows 30 minutes to walk there. I was waiting at the paddock gate for them to arrive, and while waiting was taking photo's of the landscape and the fog. This man came up running behind me and started talking to me as he passed me - I hadn't even heard him approaching, so he gave me a wee bit of a fright. Living in a small town you just about know everyone, but this man I hadn't seen before, which makes me think he is a visitor. We briefly talked about the cool morning and how he was out running early. When he had passed, I took his photo, so this is him running around what we call the Two Mile block.

We've now had breakfast, and the sun is out - yipee - lets hope it stays out for the day!

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