A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Cake II

J's birthday cake, swiftly iced by yours truly between ordering pizzas for the Birthday Sleepover rampancy. Hurriedly blipped before shortly being consumed. That's my art you're eating!

In case you've not guessed, we're buying J driving lessons. (Yes, I do 'teach' advanced driving, but no, first lessons are unquestionably handed over to a professional.)

Treated myself to the "The Complete Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Digital Photography" by Steve Luck, for the grand sum of a fiver - via the Book People who leave a [wildly random] collection of books at work for sale.

Looks good, clearly presented and actually talks about photography rather than just how to Photoshop two moons into your seaside snaps. It's not really an encyclopaedia in the usual sense, but does cover each topic one at a time in a reference'y sort of way.

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