A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


I'm sold on the idea that winter tyres are a good idea and would like to buy some.

Do any local suppliers have any in stock in my size? Nope.

Do any on-line suppliers have any in stock in my rating? Nope.

Have I spent too much of my life trying to square the (black) circle? Yep.

Oh well, pack the shovel and carpet strips again this year then. Yep.

More enjoyably I had fun icing a cake for J this afternoon (you'll have to wait for tomorrow's blip...).

In the evening, Skyrider joined the three of us and we played McMulti. I'd managed to pick up a eBay copy - it had been out of print for ages, but has just been re-released as 'Crude' (it's an oil-themed game).

Much to M's annoyance I won when he thought he was in a comfortable position. I won by a margin of $1551 vs M's $1549!

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