Cat in a box

and being quite smug about it. Chippy isn't even getting a chance, as Sparky has made this box his. Chippy is currently sat next to the box looking quite pissed off that he didn't get in there first.

There is a lesson there I think.

Am having a marathon of watching David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel in Bones. Love the iPad connecting to the tv. DVDs are so old hat!

I can't even SEE the stitch in my belly button, but it continues to make itself known. Itchy little bugger.

However, have been codeine free for 36 hours and am feeling less sick. Post op pain seems to have all but disappeared, and I am just left with the usual abdominal/pelvic pain...that is not good, but is not at the point where it has completely immobilised me just yet - give it another couple of days and it will be there again, and I will be back on the codeine. Woop de foo.

I just have to figure out if I can drive...I am thinking not, only because it still is uncomfortable if I sneeze or cough - therefore an emergency stop might be a little out of my league just yet.

More sofa time then!

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