Back to the Woods

We had another glorious walk in Stoke Woods today. There are definite signs of Spring in the air!!
Archie and Elsie ran non stop for a couple of hours. I think it's Archie's favourite place in the whole world. 
Apart from on the sofa spark out for the rest of the afternoon. See extras!
Mr K went to John Lewis in Oxford during his lunch break to get Miss L's elusive green socks. Once we'd clarified that the numbers on the packets related to the size of their feet and not their ages (bless him!!!) he found the right ones. Yay.
Then he discovered they don't accept contactless and he didn't have his wallet with him.
How hard can it be to buy a few pairs of green socks?!!!!!
Miss E said she didn't really feel like rock climbing tonight and whenever she says that I immediately can't be bothered to go either. Plus Mrs E had already messaged me to say they weren't going either!
So it was a more relaxing Monday evening than usual, We tried watching Big Cats but Miss L got very distraught at the eating of other animals!!! Despite my reassurance that they only kill what they need to eat and if they didn't hunt then they and their babies would starve she couldn't bear it so we had to turn it off. She's a sensitive soul.
And a possible vegetarian in the making!!

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