Dyeing Naturally

Another full day! I was due to meet a photographer at the studio this morning to let him use our racks to experiment with his LRPS "hanging" plan. He couldn't come but I made good use of the time by seeing The Bro-in-Law to get his email address off my Facebook account and my own email addresses onto it. Done, but still can't reinstate his account.

The Man had business to attend to in Carlisle so we headed up and used the available spare time by having free lattes in the garden centre. Then it was home for a meal and out again for a monthly meeting of the local Cumbria Wildlife Trust. This month's talk was on Using Natural Dyes given by a lady from Eden Valley Spinners, Weavers and Dyers. The Man and Bro-in-Law were particularly interested as their mother had done a lot of spinning, weaving and dyeing with natural materials. I learnt a lot as my ideas of vegetable dyes only went as far as onion skins and lichens, but there are so many more, including daffodils and rhubarb roots.

Not content with going home, we noticed there was a very clear sky so we went to have a go at some night sky photography. Very cold tonight!

I've chosen the basket of naturally dyed yarns for my blip.

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