Poor Little Suki!
Oh! The indignity!
For kitchen worktop imagine the road through Penrith.
For Land Rover Defender imagine slightly smaller 4 x4.
For Plamp (enjoying another day on Blip) imagine RAC rescue van.
I was driving to The Mate's house, expecting to make a tasty meal for him to smell as he walked into his house before we tackled some paperwork. I pullled over and stopped Suki to post some letters when I heard an awful, clattering noise.
"Did that have anything to do with us?" I thought. I set off and the noise was happening again. Fortunately there was a road end beside me I could pull into off the main road.
My first thought was that I should tell The Mate why I wouldn't be at his house. My phone was out of charge! The nearby garage told me to go up the road to the phone box. It had been stripped of its phone!
Thankfully a by-passer lent me her mobile. Back at the car I plugged in my mobile and got enough charge to turn it on to talk to my garage. They said it sounded like the alternator belt had gone and told me not to drive it.
Soon after a real Defender arrived. That was The Mate. He lent me his phone to ring the RAC who told me it would be 40 minutes before someone came. Imagine my delight when a rescue van arrived within 10 minutes!
So! Poor Little Suki suffered the embarrassment of being pulled by the bum backwards onto a ramp, then towed backwards to the garage!
Anyhow, Suki got delivered to the garage, I got met by The Man to be taken home and The Mate got given a packet of sausages and went home to make his own tea. The paperwork? It will have to wait.
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