Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Haircut for a House

I really don't know how I would have managed to move house without the help of Pippilongstock, her brilliant husband Ad, and Gretal. I hope that one day I will be able to return the many favours with my babysitting skills.

Today Ad came over to give the house a bit of a haircut. Sometimes I dream of doing an outdoor manual job like being a roofer, but then I realised that you have to climb ladders and go in lofts and I'm a little bit scared of doing both those things. In the meantime Gretal chased a burgling cat out of my house today, so hopefully that's the last time I see that little kitty in here.

Looking forward to the arrival of my sister this evening and hopefully a great meal at Marco Polo's :-)

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