
Mr C collected Thomas who arrived in good form. They had a second breakfast then a Thomas and I did some drawing. More dinosaurs and complex explanations about the meat eating and veggie ones. - the 3 ages who know most about dinosaurs must be 4-6 year olds, parents and grandparents of children of that age.

He and Mr C waited for the snow/sleet to stop then went off to the woods with the loppers to make the den. That was a great success.

Meanwhile I went to the village wool shop to get some coloured wools for the Shetland pattern on the mainly charcoal cardigan I’m making for Ella. I have some leftover wool I can use but less than I thought. I found out that p the distributor for Debbie Bliss wools which are expensive but lovely to work with, has gone into liquidation.

When Thomas got back he was cold, wet and dirty, and ready for his fish, chunky chips and broccoli. He ate all the fish, then add the broccoli and finally the chips.

I even got some knitting done, as he wanted Grandad to play Snakes and Ladders. It is relaxing not to be the favoured grandparent!

Now I’m about to enjoy Mary Beard on Julius Caesar- she likens him to other populist leaders - I,e.Trump, Putin. Let’s hope they get the proverbial backstabbing - metaphorically not literally of course!

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