
I’ve had today’s blip planned all week after passing the flower stand near work, who have this really clever billboard for their Valentine’s flowers - it made me laugh, poor Kevin!

It’s been an extremely busy day at work, and a child psychiatrist who uses our room space and admin facilities spent an hour with me trying to get to grips with our admin system and ended up breaking down in tears, so I ended up counselling the counsellor! I think she’s just overwhelmed with it all as there’s so much to take in, and she’s conscious of taking up too much of our time. I felt really sorry for her, but she thanked me for my help and said she’ll get there eventually. The biggest problem is though that she’s generating so much work for us that it’s actually costing the clinic money, so I think something has got to change.

Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s six years ago today since I started blipping, although I’m rather behind on entries and still struggle to keep up with you all on a daily basis as real life takes over. I do catch up when I can though.

So I now have a dinner to cook and I’ll wish you all a Happy Valentine’s! Xx

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