Rain, rain and more rain! Despite having agreed yesterday that we'd go to the beach 'rain or shine' the rain was just tooooooo much and tooooooo wet. Instead we went for a mosey round Nelson, had a cafe lunch in town and went to the World of Wearable and Classic Cars museum. Not exactly the kind of summery welcome I'd envisaged for H & T but there's not a lot to be done about the weather. It was quite probably a bit of a blessing as we all had a mid-afternoon crash and zzzz.....theirs from jetlag and mine from excitement!! :D Thanks goodness the rain eased though - it was beginning to look like it could cause some serious issues. As it was, little damage done just an awful lot of garden bark floating around, a coupe of sewerage drains popped their lids and a garage bbq rather than a garden bbq!! Where there's a will, there's a way.
Back to work for me tomorrow whilst H & T will be heading south in my van for a bit of South Island exploration.
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